Rights & Responsibilities
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Patient and Family Rights
- The patient and family have the right to respect for values and beliefs, as well as any special cultural needs, and to respond to requests for spiritual needs.
- The patient and family have the right to protection from neglect or abuse.
- The patient and family have the right to refuse drug treatment or procedures offered by the hospital to the extent permitted by law, and a physician shall inform the patient of the medical consequences of the
patient's refusal of drugs, treatment, or procedures.
- The patient and family have the right to seek an additional opinion regarding clinical care.
- The patient and family have the right to informed consent before the transfusion of blood and blood components, anaesthesia, surgery, initiation of any research protocol, and any other invasive or high-risk procedures/treatments.
- The patient and family have the right to promote the resolution of complaints and/or grievances from either the patient or his or her family.
- The patient and family have the right to information on the expected cost and to receive a detailed explanation of the bill.
- The patient and family have the right to have all records pertaining to his or her medical care treated as confidential, except as otherwise provided by law or third-party contractual arrangements.
- The patient and family have the right to participate in the development and implementation of his or her plan of care.
- The patient and family have the right to determine what information regarding their care would be provided to themselves and their family.
- The patient and/or family are educated in a language and format that they can understand. They are educated about the safe and effective use of medication and the potential side effects of medication when appropriate. The patient and/or family are educated about food-drug interactions, diet and nutrition, immunizations, various pain management techniques when appropriate, specific disease process complications and prevention strategies, and preventing healthcare-associated infections.
Patient Responsibilities
- Provide correct information about present and past illness, hospitalisations, medications and other matters relating to your health history.
- Have members of your family authorised to review your treatment, if you are unable to communicate with doctors or nurses.
- Ask questions if you do not understand directions or procedures.
- Help your doctor, nurse, and healthcare support staff in their efforts to care for you by following their instructions and medical orders.
- Report safety concerns immediately to your doctor, nurse, or any healthcare support staff.
- Avoid drugs, alcoholic beverages or toxic substances, which have not been administered by your doctor.
- Accept medical consequences if you do not follow the care, service or treatment plan provided to you.
- Help to control noise and the number of visitors in your room (or examination room, if you are an outpatient).
- Respect the property and supplies of the hospital.
- Use the call bell provided for your safety.
- Be considerate of other patients.
- Provide accurate information needed for processing your insurance coverage.
- Patients should adhere to the policies of the hospital in respect to smoking, noise, and visiting time, number of visitors and other rules and regulations.
- Patient and their relative should take care of the belongings. Jewellery & cash are not to be kept inside the hospital premises.
- Patients are expected not to use abusive or profane language with other patients and staffs.
- Patients are responsible for following hospital policies and procedures.
Clinical Services
- Outpatient Services
- Health Checkup
- General Medicine
- General Surgery
- Cardiovascular Thoracic Surgery
- Cardiology lnterventional Cardiology
- Non Invasive Cardiac Service (ECG, ECHO, TMT, PFT)
- Cath Lab
- Obstetrics & Gynecology
- Orthopedics
- Diabetology and Endocrinology
- Neurology & Neurosurgery
- Pediatric & Neonatology
- Neurological Investigation (EEG, EMG, NCV, VEP)
- Ophthalmology
- Urology
- Dental
- Psychology & Psychiatry
- Nephrology
- Critical Care
- Gastroenterology
- Emergency Medicine and Trauma care
- Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Medicine
- Laboratory
- Radiology & Imaging
- Endoscopy, Colonoscopy, ERCP
- Pulmonology
Support Services
- Ambulance
- Biomedical Engineering Service
- Central Sterile Supply Department (CSSD)
- Dietary
- Engineering & Maintenance
- Front office Registration, Reception, Patient Assistance Cell
- Housekeeping
- Human Resources
- Information Technology
- Insurance, Billing and Accounts
- Medical Records Department
- Pharmacy and Store
Following Services are not Offered
- Radiation Oncology
- Nuclear Medicine
- Patients with burns more than 30%
- Admission for psychosis Patient
- Blood Bank
- IVF (In vitro fertilization)